Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using the services provided by 52 Weeks Savings Enterprise ("the Company"), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions, you may not access or use the services.

2. Description of Services

The Company provides a platform that enables customers to participate in savings challenges. Our flagship product is the 52 Weeks Savings Challenge, which helps you save a bit every week for the whole year. We have been running this service since 2017. In addition to our flagship product, we also provide the Dynamic 52 Weeks Savings Challenge which adapts to the day you start your challenge and other niche savings packages all aimed at helping you save small amounts to achieve big things!

3. Emergency Withdrawals

Life happens. You can make partial or full emergency withdrawals during the 52 weeks and incur a 1% charge for Mobile Money transaction charges in addition to a GHC 50 as a “susu box” charge. During this process, you are required to give a small amount as a gift to our team as a token of appreciation in case of a full withdrawal or a partial withdrawal of over 70% of your current challenge balance.

4. Dynamic 52 Weeks Savings Challenge and Other Savings Packages

For the Dynamic 52 Weeks Savings Challenge and our other savings packages, you will be penalized for making early withdrawals or failing to meet your saving targets within the predefined periods. The rules governing each package are made clear to you at the point of signing on. By signing on to any of these offers, you consent to the rules governing them. As always, the only charge imposed by the platform is the 1% fee to cover Mobile Money transaction charges. You are also required to gift a small amount to our team for our efforts.

5. Contribution Waiver

For the flagship product and Dynamic 52 Weeks Savings Challenge, you waive the right to your contributions if you fail to contribute an amount exceeding GH50 over 52 weeks. In such cases, the entire amount in your challenge account will be recorded as a gift token to administrators of the platform as compensation for operational costs incurred over the year. If you meet your target or contribute more than GH50, only the 1% charge to cover Mobile Money transfer is imposed, along with a required gift amount you specify as appreciation to our team.

6. Account Security

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and passwords. The Company is not liable for any unauthorized access to customer accounts.

7. Changes to Terms and Conditions

The Company reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Your will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the platform after such modifications constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.